Dana’s myriad past projects share insight into different ways to live a more fulfilling life.

Whether it’s learning to be a more confident and joyful cook in her book Mastering My Mistakes in the Kitchen, suggesting products by visionary women entrepreneurs that make putting a meal on the table faster and easier in her COVID web project Giving Broadly or showcasing real-life advice from brilliant women in the world of hospitality in her Speaking Broadly podcast and zine. Here’s a quick tour.

Speaking Broadly

The Speaking Broadly zine is Dana Cowin’s first indie print project after 30 years in traditional media. The mission of the zine is to feed readers’ inner lives and fuel dreams of exceptional food and wine experiences.

The Zine

An interview show highlighting the brilliant, curious, game-changing women in the food world. Host Dana Cowin, former long-time Editor-in-Chief of Food & Wine Magazine and current advisor to individuals and companies, holds intimate conversations with creators and innovators. These are moving stories of struggles and triumphs, personal and professional, that provide lessons and inspiration for anyone looking to succeed in any industry.

The Podcast

Dana traveled the country sharing the Speaking Broadly zine with groups in Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Raleigh, NC, NYC, Wilmington, DE, Charleston, SC, Los Angeles.

The Events

  • Sisterly Love x Speaking Broadly: Cowin teamed up with Sisterly Love for an event at tk where local chefs cooked, Cowin conducted two public interviews and recorded two podcasts, and participated in a “store” selling women-owned products.

  • Les Dames D’Escoffier DC x SB: Cowin was interviewed by journalist Anna Spiegel, hosted by the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown, with a wine tasting.

  • The Abundance Setting x SB: Held at Wherewithall, ten star chefs served small plates while Cowin sat at the bar and provided speed coaching for guests.

  • Chef Kate Williams hosted a dinner at her restaurant Karl’s in the Siren Hotel with 6 women chefs, each cooking a course, culminating in a conversation among all seven after dinner was served.

  • Chef Ashley Christiansen of Poole’s Diner hosted a brunch at her event space and Cowin was interviewed by the restaurant group’s Executive Director Kait Goalen.

Giving Broadly

Inspired by cooking dinner seven nights a week for her family during the pandemic, Dana created a website to highlight products by women entrepreneurs that she hoped would creatively and deliciously help others solve the dilemma "what's for dinner".  

The Website

Mastering My Mistakes in the Kitchen

A funny, inspiring cookbook from the longtime editor-in-chief of Food & Wine magazine, in which the first lady of food spills the secret of her culinary ineptitude, while learning—finally—to cook, side-by-side with some of the greatest chefs working today, from David Chang to Alice Waters to Thomas Keller.

The Book