It’s founder Dana Cowin, here to welcome you to the world of Progressive Hedonist and tell you a bit about how it came into existence.

I began to imagine PH when I was blanketed by a sickening gloom about climate change and felt paralyzed about what I could do about it. For a year or so, I researched, discussed, held get togethers, asked questions to assess how my experience in the food world and media as Editor in Chief of Food & Wine and my fervent belief in the possibility of change could release me from conflicted inertia and help others do the same while making an impact on the future. 

After a year, a few things became clear

  • Food is a vital medium to address climate change.
    The stats tell a compelling story:
    “A whopping 22–33% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from food, agriculture, and land (and ocean) use.”
    “We waste 1 billion meals globally. Food loss and waste generates 8-10 percent of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—almost 5 times that of the aviation sector—and significant biodiversity loss by taking up the equivalent of almost a third of the world’s agricultural land. The toll of both food loss and waste on the global economy is estimated at roughly USD 1 trillion.” (UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2024)

  • Climate doom stokes fear, anxiety and results in inaction.
    And conversely, joy and optimism have the power to open people to the possibility of transformation.

  • Individuals who make small, consistent changes are more open to building a community and momentum that can make the seemingly impossible, possible.
    "The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you can alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change the world." — James Baldwin

  • Gathering friends and strangers around food that nourishes themselves and the planet creates meaningful connections, deepens understanding, restores a sense of purpose and engagement, inspires action, even around a topic as intractable as climate change. I witness this at every gathering I co-host. 

  • Supporting people already working at the intersection of food and climate is valuable, whether it’s buying from regenerative farmers, supporting groups that are lobbying to change laws and everywhere in between. 

  • The answers to climate change questions are nuanced and complex. There are few easy answers.

From these preliminary learnings, I created a guide for myself and for all eaters who want to be part of a conversation to create a better tomorrow for those we love. You'll find the descriptions below. 

I hope you’ll join me on this journey as I question and change my own habits, host joyful planet-positive events, and share information from both seekers and experts on social, in a newsletter and on a PH podcast. 


Progressive Hedonists are people who find joy, connection and uplift in tackling one of the seemingly impossible challenges of our lifetime: reversing climate change. We support people, places, practices and ideas that are committed to doing right by the planet. We get that altering habits is hard and making planet-friendly decisions is often nuanced and complicated.

Committed to combating climate doom, Progressive Hedonists believe that positive action is the antidote to fear and anxiety, that making small and consistent changes can be unexpectedly joyous and profoundly impactful.



  • SOURCE SUSTAINABLY: Choose ingredients that are grown, produced, or raised locally using environmentally responsible and ethical practices by people who are conscientious stewards of the land.

  • REDUCE COPIOUSLY: Avoid wasting perfectly good food; upcycle; share excess; and compost to keep as much as possible out of landfill.

  • LIVE ABUNDANTLY: Cook, drink, gather, connect and inspire sustainable practices among friends and community. 

  • LEARN ACTIVELY: Research, listen, read to better understand complex environmental issues to discover a clear path to doing what’s best for the planet. 

  • PARTICIPATE MEANINGFULLY: Volunteer, donate, vote and exert influence on larger systems, like government and industries that can have a significant impact on our future.

Where We Connect

At gatherings in homes, restaurants, farms, cafes — anywhere outrageously fulfilling food and drink can be served.

  • Through online content where we share game-changing ideas, people, places and practices

  • In a soon-to-launch monthly newsletter

  • On the Progressive Hedonist podcast, hosted by Heritage Radio Network, launching this summer


There are as many ways to be a Progressive Hedonist as there are humans.

Here are a few places you can start: